22. September 2012 | music news tv | Noizefield
Free NI Kontakt Instrument: Jasper Blunk – Fortissimo Trumpet Ensemble
Inspired by Blakus who released the emotioal cello at vi control forum , Jasper Blunk released Fortissimo Trumpet Ensemble which is also a free instrument for NI Kontakt.
- Two trumpets, recorded in traditional seating position (towards the right).
- Range: G3-Bb5
- Marcatos: 6-second sustains with a sharp attack – mod-wheel controlling lo-pass for dynamics. SIPS legato active on initiation. 2 rr
- Staccatos – velocity based lo-pass dynamic control. 5 rr
- Matrix Swells [BONUS PATCH]: basic mf-ff-mf swells, with a slower decrescendo – velocity based dynamic control. 1 rr
- Default is untuned sample pool, which I find is a bit more natural, but for the pitch sensitive, there is a alternative sample pool, gently hand-tuned, which may be some improvement.
More info here: http://www.vi-control.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27753
Free download here: http://jasperblunk.com/things_for_composers.html
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