3. October 2019 | News | Noizefield
SKnote released MainEQ
SKnote release MainEQ, A modern EQ with unique, powerful features.
Special Features.
- Graphical interface.
- Dynamic filtering with full control for upward and downward action.
- Ten parametric filters (Resonant Low-Shelf, Resonant High-Shelf, 8x Peaking).
- High-Pass and Low-pass filters.
- Tilt filter.
- “Polys”. Filters can be grouped together and moved as one, also by control-keys for alternate movement (e.g. move base gain and target gain together, move on opposite directions, etc.).
- Mid/Side filtering. Each filter can be balanced to act on Mid and Side in different, continuous quantities.
- Global Action control. Scales all filters’ gains to fine tune the action of the EQ. Similar to parallel EQing but without any phase issue.
- Inter-band and inter-track dynamic control. Set a frequency band to control another one or a track to control another track’s EQ (e.g. set the bassdrum to duck the bass guitar).
- Log-scale spectrum analyser. Analyse input, output, other tracks.
- Internal and inter-track spectral matching/carving/flattening (e.g. set vocals track to tame frequencies and get space in the guitars’ track).
- Plain-text preset copy/paste (share presets as plain text in forums).
- Through-clipboard preset copy/paste. Copy from one instance, paste to another one.
- Four preset slots for easy comparisons.
- True Auto-Gain! Engage it and get the output level always matched to the input (and bypass, of course). No ear-fooling.
- Invert button. Get all the filters’ gains inverted as one for complimentary settings (e.g. copy from a competing one, paste to another one and invert).
- Utilities. Useful quick templates, overall settings, undo/redo, etc.
Price: Intro USD 29.99$ / Regular USD 39.99$
More info here:
SKnote release MainEQ with intro offer
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