30. March 2020 | Free Software | Carl

LVS Audio releases free analyzer LVC-Meter


LVC-Meter is a free plugin that builds on all of the metering features of Toned-MAX, Limited-Z, and Clipped-MAX. This may be nothing new, but there might be times when you need the LVC style meters but not all of the other plugin features.

LVC-Meter includes a spectrum analyzer, stereo vectorscope, and a waveform history view. All of the meters utilize true-peak monitoring for determining intersample peak levels (i.e., “overs”). In addition, LVC-Meter functions in EBU mode, K-System metering, and standard dBFS mode.

Why have a meter plugin that monitors stereo and true-peak levels without having the ability to adjust things? Good question, and LVC-Audio agrees. LVC-Meter includes three simple but valuable controls: GAIN, BALANCE, and WIDTH. Both the GAIN and BALANCE controls have extra fine settings accessible by right-clicking on the knobs. These extra settings allow for precise gain and balance adjustment. Perfect for a final gain stage.

LVC Audio – LVC Meter

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