6. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

SABROSO! A Road Trip to Colombia’s Caribbean Coast

Click the CC icon for subtitles! Explore the vibrant culture of the contemporary Caribbean music scene in this Native Instruments original documentary. Producer Mauricio Alvarez takes us on a trip

6. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

SABROSO! A Road Trip to Colombia’s Caribbean Coast

Click the CC icon for subtitles! Explore the vibrant culture of the contemporary Caribbean music scene in this Native Instruments original documentary. Producer Mauricio Alvarez takes us on a trip

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Sparkle “Spectral Manipulation”

Cross-synthesis, phase-sync high-quality transformations.

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Sparkle “Spectral Manipulation”

Cross-synthesis, phase-sync high-quality transformations.

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Cableguys VolumeShaper 4 Out Now!

MORE INFO: http://www.cableguys.de/volume-shaper.htmlFREE DEMO: http://www.cableguys.de/downloads.html VolumeShaper lets you shape the levels of any audio signal in pinpoint detail. From multiband sidechain compression effects to extreme gating, from tempo-synced stutter to

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Cableguys VolumeShaper 4 Out Now!

MORE INFO: http://www.cableguys.de/volume-shaper.htmlFREE DEMO: http://www.cableguys.de/downloads.html VolumeShaper lets you shape the levels of any audio signal in pinpoint detail. From multiband sidechain compression effects to extreme gating, from tempo-synced stutter to

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

BFD Oblivion expansion pack

http://www.fxpansion.com/bfdoblivion BFD Oblivion is an expansion pack for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2 designed to provide ready-to-use heavy rock and metal drum sounds. Inspired by genres such as post-metal, sludge

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

BFD Oblivion expansion pack

http://www.fxpansion.com/bfdoblivion BFD Oblivion is an expansion pack for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2 designed to provide ready-to-use heavy rock and metal drum sounds. Inspired by genres such as post-metal, sludge

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials 2 Highlights: Mixed Orchestra

Listen to some of the highlights from the first section in ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials 2: MIXED ORCHESTRA Stay tuned for the next video which will cover one of the other

5. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials 2 Highlights: Mixed Orchestra

Listen to some of the highlights from the first section in ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials 2: MIXED ORCHESTRA Stay tuned for the next video which will cover one of the other

4. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Master Sessions: Ethnic Drum Ensembles – Demo Walkthrough

Toby Ryan walks you through Heavyocity’s new product “Master Sessions: Ethnic Drum Ensembles”. More info: http://www.heavyocity.com/products/ms-ethnicdrumensembles

4. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Master Sessions: Ethnic Drum Ensembles – Demo Walkthrough

Toby Ryan walks you through Heavyocity’s new product “Master Sessions: Ethnic Drum Ensembles”. More info: http://www.heavyocity.com/products/ms-ethnicdrumensembles

4. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

EEG Stratosphere Blues

Sneak peek of our EEG Stratosphere sample library for Kontakt playing one of the factory blues presets. —Thank you for watching this video from Orange Tree Samples. You can visit

4. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

EEG Stratosphere Blues

Sneak peek of our EEG Stratosphere sample library for Kontakt playing one of the factory blues presets. —Thank you for watching this video from Orange Tree Samples. You can visit

3. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

PreSonus LIVE: 10-30-14 RM-series rackmount mixers in-depth overview w/ Q&A.

On our most successful PreSonus LIVE to date, Rick Naqvi and Raymond Tantzen discuss the RM-series StudioLive mixers and take some questions from the audience. If you couldn’t tune in

3. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

PreSonus LIVE: 10-30-14 RM-series rackmount mixers in-depth overview w/ Q&A.

On our most successful PreSonus LIVE to date, Rick Naqvi and Raymond Tantzen discuss the RM-series StudioLive mixers and take some questions from the audience. If you couldn’t tune in

3. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

FXpansion Tremor Quick Tip 02 – A*V and F*V

In this Quick Tip we show you how to use the A*V and F*V modulation sources.

3. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

FXpansion Tremor Quick Tip 02 – A*V and F*V

In this Quick Tip we show you how to use the A*V and F*V modulation sources.

2. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

FabFilter Pro MB – Downward compression

In this tutorial, Dan Worrall describes various (downward) compression techniques using FabFilter Pro-MB, according to drum, guitar and vocal audio examples. FabFilter Pro-MB is available via http://www.fabfilter.com/shop . For more

2. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

FabFilter Pro MB – Downward compression

In this tutorial, Dan Worrall describes various (downward) compression techniques using FabFilter Pro-MB, according to drum, guitar and vocal audio examples. FabFilter Pro-MB is available via http://www.fabfilter.com/shop . For more

2. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Big Mono Redux – Features and Presets (updated Nov 2014)

An updated demonstration of some of the basic features in Big Mono Redux – instrument volumes, presets, mic layer control, and tuning. Details on the kit at: http://www.analoguedrums.com/details-bigmonoredux.php

2. November 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Big Mono Redux – Features and Presets (updated Nov 2014)

An updated demonstration of some of the basic features in Big Mono Redux – instrument volumes, presets, mic layer control, and tuning. Details on the kit at: http://www.analoguedrums.com/details-bigmonoredux.php