19. October 2015 | News | Carl

Modelonia 2.0 beta for free by Nusofting

Nusofting has released the first beta version from the new major- update for their physical-modelling synthesizer Modelonia. The synth simulates a plucked string model and contains over 350 amazing new

19. October 2015 | News | Carl

Modelonia 2.0 beta for free by Nusofting

Nusofting has released the first beta version from the new major- update for their physical-modelling synthesizer Modelonia. The synth simulates a plucked string model and contains over 350 amazing new

16. October 2015 | News | Carl

Free plugs by Samsara Cycle Audio

Samsara Cycle Audio releases all of their plug-ins for FREE now and over the next times. They’re starting their offer with synths like Mantra, T1 VST Audible Tuner and the

16. October 2015 | News | Carl

Free plugs by Samsara Cycle Audio

Samsara Cycle Audio releases all of their plug-ins for FREE now and over the next times. They’re starting their offer with synths like Mantra, T1 VST Audible Tuner and the

15. October 2015 | Basics | Carl

Kammfiltereffekt gekonnt entschärfen

Immer wieder kommt es in akustisch suboptimalen Räumen zu Kammfiltereffekten. Wie sich diese am besten verhindern lassen, erfahrt ihr in diesem Workshop.

15. October 2015 | Basics | Carl

Kammfiltereffekt gekonnt entschärfen

Immer wieder kommt es in akustisch suboptimalen Räumen zu Kammfiltereffekten. Wie sich diese am besten verhindern lassen, erfahrt ihr in diesem Workshop.

14. October 2015 | News | Carl

DrumTROOP – drum machine by DUBturbo for free

DUBturbo has released a new creative drum machine for free – DrumTROOP! The VST plugin for MAC and PC has got 16 outputs (one for each pad) and allows an

14. October 2015 | News | Carl

DrumTROOP – drum machine by DUBturbo for free

DUBturbo has released a new creative drum machine for free – DrumTROOP! The VST plugin for MAC and PC has got 16 outputs (one for each pad) and allows an

12. October 2015 | Artists | Carl

Talk-Zone #19 Interview with Flawless

12. October 2015 | Artists | Carl

Talk-Zone #19 Interview with Flawless

12. October 2015 | Artists | Carl

Talk-Zone #18 Interview with Markarian 348

12. October 2015 | Artists | Carl

Talk-Zone #18 Interview with Markarian 348

12. October 2015 | Artists | Carl

Talk-Zone #17 Interview with Mikey Vas

12. October 2015 | Artists | Carl

Talk-Zone #17 Interview with Mikey Vas

12. October 2015 | News | Carl

Homeaffairs Remix Contest Winners

The Homeaffairs Remix Contest at Noizefield in cooperation with CPS, Ueberschall and Lickin Records has been found three winners. 1. Flawless Remix 2. Markarian 348 Remix 3. Mikey Vas Remix

12. October 2015 | News | Carl

Homeaffairs Remix Contest Winners

The Homeaffairs Remix Contest at Noizefield in cooperation with CPS, Ueberschall and Lickin Records has been found three winners. 1. Flawless Remix 2. Markarian 348 Remix 3. Mikey Vas Remix

12. October 2015 | News | Carl

204 free dub drum samples by MusicRadar

MusicRadar has released a sample pack with more than 200 free dub drums samples. The layered acoustic samples are divided in different BPMs. All samples are royalty-free and have been

12. October 2015 | News | Carl

204 free dub drum samples by MusicRadar

MusicRadar has released a sample pack with more than 200 free dub drums samples. The layered acoustic samples are divided in different BPMs. All samples are royalty-free and have been

10. October 2015 | News | Carl

Free percussion collection by Sample Modern

Sample Modern and Mkhitaryan Production has been released the new percussion sample collection Free Maracas as an NI Kontakt instrument. Check out the high quality sound, if you’re owner of

10. October 2015 | News | Carl

Free percussion collection by Sample Modern

Sample Modern and Mkhitaryan Production has been released the new percussion sample collection Free Maracas as an NI Kontakt instrument. Check out the high quality sound, if you’re owner of

9. October 2015 | News | Carl

Soundethers releases Free Fall for Kontakt

Soundethers has released a free soundlibrary Free Fall with textures and field recordings. The library is aimed for ambient, soundtracks, underscores, chillout, IDM, glitch and more. Derived from the sample

9. October 2015 | News | Carl

Soundethers releases Free Fall for Kontakt

Soundethers has released a free soundlibrary Free Fall with textures and field recordings. The library is aimed for ambient, soundtracks, underscores, chillout, IDM, glitch and more. Derived from the sample