Expert Sleepers released Otterley

Expert Sleepers has recently released a new multi-LFO module called Otterley. This module is designed to offer extensive modulation possibilities with a good amount of control and flexibility, all while remaining compact in size.


  • Four switchable outputs between sine and square LFOs
  • Speed and Spread knobs to control frequencies
  • Bipolar and unipolar output options
  • Reset input to restart cycle
  • Additional independent sine LFO output


  • Panel width: 8HP
  • Module depth: 42mm
  • Current draw: 82mA +12V rail, 80mA -12V rail
  • LFO speed range: 150 seconds/cycle to 75Hz

YouTube video player


MSRP: UK £189 (inc VAT), US $199 (exclusive of sales tax), EU €179.80 (exclusive of VAT)

More info here: Expert Sleepers |Otterley