Scrapcode Modular released AXIOM
Scrapcode Modular released AXIOM, a Eurorack module based on the popular concept of the Euclidean Rhythm, where a defined number of HITS is evenly distributed throughout a sequence.
It allows two CV inputs for each if its four lanes – one for the number of HITS in each lane, and a second for either the number of STEPS in each sequence or for an OFFSET to its starting position.
Each sequence can be assigned a different length, causing the rhythms in each lane to move in and out of phase with one another. A pattern of up to 21,840 steps is possible before repeating if the right settings are chosen!*
An internal clock or external CV trigger can be used to progress the sequencer.
AXIOM is available as either a DIY Kit or as a fully assembled product.
More info here: Scrapcode Modular | AXIOM