3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: Magnus Gladén aka Demokid released Korg MS20 drum samples

Demokid, a member of gearslutz.com released some free drum samples of the legendary Korg MS20. “I found some drum samples when I did a backup of my old studio computer.

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: Magnus Gladén aka Demokid released Korg MS20 drum samples

Demokid, a member of gearslutz.com released some free drum samples of the legendary Korg MS20. “I found some drum samples when I did a backup of my old studio computer.

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Variety Of Sound – preFIX teaser

Variety Of Sound kündigte vor kurzem die Veröffentlichung von preFIX, einem kostenlosen pre-mixing und audio alignment tool an. PreFIX wird im Mai veröffentlicht werden. “preFIX is a pre-mixing and audio

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Variety Of Sound – preFIX teaser

Variety Of Sound kündigte vor kurzem die Veröffentlichung von preFIX, einem kostenlosen pre-mixing und audio alignment tool an. PreFIX wird im Mai veröffentlicht werden. “preFIX is a pre-mixing and audio

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Variety Of Sound – preFIX teaser

Variety Of Sound announced the release of preFIX, a freeware pre-mixing and audio alignment tool. It will be released in may. “preFIX is a pre-mixing and audio alignment tool which

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Variety Of Sound – preFIX teaser

Variety Of Sound announced the release of preFIX, a freeware pre-mixing and audio alignment tool. It will be released in may. “preFIX is a pre-mixing and audio alignment tool which

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

kostenlose samples: pro|tone Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand für NI Kontakt

pro|tone hat mit Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand, ein kostenloses Instrument für Native Instruments Kontakt veröffentlicht. Auf der Webseite von pro|tone kann man weitere spannende Samples und Instrumente kostenlos

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

kostenlose samples: pro|tone Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand für NI Kontakt

pro|tone hat mit Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand, ein kostenloses Instrument für Native Instruments Kontakt veröffentlicht. Auf der Webseite von pro|tone kann man weitere spannende Samples und Instrumente kostenlos

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: pro|tone Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand for NI Kontakt

pro|tone has released Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand, a free instrument for Native Instruments Kontakt. You can download a bunch of other very interesting samples and instruments on the

3. May 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: pro|tone Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand for NI Kontakt

pro|tone has released Elements 009 – 12 Bit Grand, a free instrument for Native Instruments Kontakt. You can download a bunch of other very interesting samples and instruments on the

28. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

inspiration: AudoGL – Modularer Software Synthesizer und Sequencer

AudoGL – Teaser video for a Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer The music in this video is 100% synthesized, and does not contain any samples. The visuals are procedural as

28. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

inspiration: AudoGL – Modularer Software Synthesizer und Sequencer

AudoGL – Teaser video for a Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer The music in this video is 100% synthesized, and does not contain any samples. The visuals are procedural as

28. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

inspiration: AudoGL – Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer

AudoGL – Teaser video for a Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer The music in this video is 100% synthesized, and does not contain any samples. The visuals are procedural as

28. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

inspiration: AudoGL – Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer

AudoGL – Teaser video for a Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer The music in this video is 100% synthesized, and does not contain any samples. The visuals are procedural as

27. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Imperfect Samples – Steinway Walnut Concert Grand

One of my favourite sampled piano is the Imperfect Samples Hohner White Baby! Now they´ve released another awesome piano, the Steinway & Sons 1908 Walnut Concert Grand :) Features: Over

27. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Imperfect Samples – Steinway Walnut Concert Grand

One of my favourite sampled piano is the Imperfect Samples Hohner White Baby! Now they´ve released another awesome piano, the Steinway & Sons 1908 Walnut Concert Grand :) Features: Over

27. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

Wettbewerb: Erstelle ein Tyrell N6 Preset und gewinne ein u-he Plugin

Ein Mitglied des KVR Forums ruft alle Musiker zum Preset/Patch Wettbewerb auf! Die Regeln sind einfach: Erstelle ein Preset mit dem kostenlosen VST Plugin uhe / amazona.de Tyrell N6 und

27. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

Wettbewerb: Erstelle ein Tyrell N6 Preset und gewinne ein u-he Plugin

Ein Mitglied des KVR Forums ruft alle Musiker zum Preset/Patch Wettbewerb auf! Die Regeln sind einfach: Erstelle ein Preset mit dem kostenlosen VST Plugin uhe / amazona.de Tyrell N6 und

27. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

contest: create a Tyrell N6 patch and win a u-he plugin

A KVR forum member announced a patch contest. The rules are pretty easy: create a patch for the free uhe / amazona.de Tyrell N6 vst plugin, send it to the

27. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

contest: create a Tyrell N6 patch and win a u-he plugin

A KVR forum member announced a patch contest. The rules are pretty easy: create a patch for the free uhe / amazona.de Tyrell N6 vst plugin, send it to the

26. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

kostenloses vst plugin: Camel Audio – Alchemy Player

Camel Audio haben soeben verkündet, dass sie Alchemy Player ab sofort kostenlos zum Download anbieten. Alchemy Player is a free software instrument with an inspiring 1GB sample library and 200

26. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

kostenloses vst plugin: Camel Audio – Alchemy Player

Camel Audio haben soeben verkündet, dass sie Alchemy Player ab sofort kostenlos zum Download anbieten. Alchemy Player is a free software instrument with an inspiring 1GB sample library and 200