21. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

insiration: VMX Activ8

ein witziges und doch sehr inspirierendes video, und diese controller schauen auch ganz nett aus: VMX Activ8 from charlie mars on Vimeo.

21. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

insiration: VMX Activ8

ein witziges und doch sehr inspirierendes video, und diese controller schauen auch ganz nett aus: VMX Activ8 from charlie mars on Vimeo.

21. December 2010 | Inspiration | Noizefield

inspiring video: VMX Activ8

a funny video about an video controller, btw. these interfaces are quite nice… VMX Activ8 from charlie mars on Vimeo.

21. December 2010 | Inspiration | Noizefield

inspiring video: VMX Activ8

a funny video about an video controller, btw. these interfaces are quite nice… VMX Activ8 from charlie mars on Vimeo.

20. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

kostenlose samples: noizedrumz vol.1 [wave+nki]

hiermit veröffentliche ich meine sample collection “noizedrumz vol.1”. es handelt sich um sampes vom legendären (und schon etwas verstaubten) waldorf microwave xt. ich bin ein sehr großer fan dieses synthesizers.

20. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

kostenlose samples: noizedrumz vol.1 [wave+nki]

hiermit veröffentliche ich meine sample collection “noizedrumz vol.1”. es handelt sich um sampes vom legendären (und schon etwas verstaubten) waldorf microwave xt. ich bin ein sehr großer fan dieses synthesizers.

Featured image for “noizedrumz vol.1”
18. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

noizedrumz vol.1

I´m proud to announce my first free sample release… TAAADAAA: noizefield – noizedrumz vol.1 (0) all sounds are sampled from the

Featured image for “noizedrumz vol.1”
18. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

noizedrumz vol.1

I´m proud to announce my first free sample release… TAAADAAA: noizefield – noizedrumz vol.1 (0) all sounds are sampled from the

17. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free musictools 4 mac: smidernoise

today i want to introduce you to the very interessting artist smidernoise and his work. mr. smidernoise has released some very nice music generation tools for macintosh. badzen is a

17. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free musictools 4 mac: smidernoise

today i want to introduce you to the very interessting artist smidernoise and his work. mr. smidernoise has released some very nice music generation tools for macintosh. badzen is a

16. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free vst: Solid4010 phoenix in flight audio

Phoenix In Flight Audio (PIFA) is developing free VST Plugins for a while now. Finally i´ve tested the latest versions SOLID4010, OPTRON 3A, 10EQ, THRILLER EQ and last but not

16. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free vst: Solid4010 phoenix in flight audio

Phoenix In Flight Audio (PIFA) is developing free VST Plugins for a while now. Finally i´ve tested the latest versions SOLID4010, OPTRON 3A, 10EQ, THRILLER EQ and last but not

15. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

Jeroen Breebaart VST plugins

today i have to write somthing about the Jeroen Breebaart VST plugins. they are just amazing. for about 40€ you get a bargain and really very very good plugins. especially

15. December 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

Jeroen Breebaart VST plugins

today i have to write somthing about the Jeroen Breebaart VST plugins. they are just amazing. for about 40€ you get a bargain and really very very good plugins. especially

16. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: goldbaby GBfree Nov2010

goldbaby released another free sample pack. the samples were made using u-he’s cce synth with some analog outboard. http://goldbaby.co.nz/freestuff.html download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s6t3w97nrkr3shs/GBfree_NOV2010.zip

16. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: goldbaby GBfree Nov2010

goldbaby released another free sample pack. the samples were made using u-he’s cce synth with some analog outboard. http://goldbaby.co.nz/freestuff.html download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s6t3w97nrkr3shs/GBfree_NOV2010.zip

15. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free vst: illformed glitch

one freeware plugin i really like is glitch by illformed. glitch is a pattern based sequencer triggering incomming audio with different effects in realtime. the outcomming sound is just awesome.

15. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free vst: illformed glitch

one freeware plugin i really like is glitch by illformed. glitch is a pattern based sequencer triggering incomming audio with different effects in realtime. the outcomming sound is just awesome.

15. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: waveformless virus drums

waveformless has released some free synthesized drum sounds from the access virus: download link: http://www.divshare.com/download/13151206-c8d

15. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free samples: waveformless virus drums

waveformless has released some free synthesized drum sounds from the access virus: download link: http://www.divshare.com/download/13151206-c8d

15. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free vst: togu audio line tal-filter II

togu audio line has released a new free vst filter plugin. Release of TAL-Filter-2 version 0.99b. TAL-Filter-2 is a host synced filter module with different filter types, panorama and volume

15. November 2010 | music news tv | Noizefield

free vst: togu audio line tal-filter II

togu audio line has released a new free vst filter plugin. Release of TAL-Filter-2 version 0.99b. TAL-Filter-2 is a host synced filter module with different filter types, panorama and volume