E-Phonic released Invader 2
E-Phonic released Invader 2, an 8 voice polyphonic synthesizer. It was designed to be easy to program while still offering a wide range of sounds and possibilities. Features Knob-per-function interface,
E-Phonic released Invader 2, an 8 voice polyphonic synthesizer. It was designed to be easy to program while still offering a wide range of sounds and possibilities. Features Knob-per-function interface,
E-Phonic released Invader 2, an 8 voice polyphonic synthesizer. It was designed to be easy to program while still offering a wide range of sounds and possibilities. Features Knob-per-function interface,
A brand new saturATION PLUGIN HAS BEEN RELEASED BY E-Phonic – XPressor ! XPressor is a high quality saturation and dynamics processor. It’s capable of making your drums, vocals and
A brand new saturATION PLUGIN HAS BEEN RELEASED BY E-Phonic – XPressor ! XPressor is a high quality saturation and dynamics processor. It’s capable of making your drums, vocals and
E-Phonic released Drumatic 4, a VST drum synthesizer plugin. The plugin is currently availabe for 29€ as a beta version and will go up to 49€. More info here: http://www.drumatic.info/
E-Phonic released Drumatic 4, a VST drum synthesizer plugin. The plugin is currently availabe for 29€ as a beta version and will go up to 49€. More info here: http://www.drumatic.info/