Moon Armada released Copy Box
Moon Armada released Copy Box, a lovely sounding lo-fi desktop delay effect with a few twists that enable it to go beyond the normal range of sounds that most delays
Moon Armada released Copy Box, a lovely sounding lo-fi desktop delay effect with a few twists that enable it to go beyond the normal range of sounds that most delays
Moon Armada released Copy Box, a lovely sounding lo-fi desktop delay effect with a few twists that enable it to go beyond the normal range of sounds that most delays
SOMA Labs released Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT), an 8-bit noise synthesizer and sequencer inspired by the clever programming of the early PC era. Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT) is
SOMA Labs released Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT), an 8-bit noise synthesizer and sequencer inspired by the clever programming of the early PC era. Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT) is
Weston Precision Audioreleased PA0, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) module for eurorack (18HP). It is a triangle core design with an additional triangle phase animator circuit which provides a copy
Weston Precision Audioreleased PA0, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) module for eurorack (18HP). It is a triangle core design with an additional triangle phase animator circuit which provides a copy