7. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

free samples: Brickwall Audio – SYKLIX

Brickwall Audio released another free sample pack for NI Kontakt: SYKLIX “SYKLIX, inspired by the electronic sounds of masterpieces such as the TRON: Legacy and Blade Runner soundtracks. You will

7. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

free samples: Brickwall Audio – SYKLIX

Brickwall Audio released another free sample pack for NI Kontakt: SYKLIX “SYKLIX, inspired by the electronic sounds of masterpieces such as the TRON: Legacy and Blade Runner soundtracks. You will

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenlose Samples: ToneScape – Small mechanics

ToneScape hat Small mechanics veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um eine kostenlose Sammlung an Samples von Mechaniksounds wie Schaltern, Küchengeräten und sogar einem Rollstuhl. “I hope you enjoy my work

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenlose Samples: ToneScape – Small mechanics

ToneScape hat Small mechanics veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um eine kostenlose Sammlung an Samples von Mechaniksounds wie Schaltern, Küchengeräten und sogar einem Rollstuhl. “I hope you enjoy my work

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

free samples: ToneScape – Small mechanics

ToneScape released Small mechanics, a free sample collection containing 100 mechanical samples. “I hope you enjoy my work and that you put it to good use. If you use any of

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

free samples: ToneScape – Small mechanics

ToneScape released Small mechanics, a free sample collection containing 100 mechanical samples. “I hope you enjoy my work and that you put it to good use. If you use any of

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenloses vst: ToneCarver – Harmony Rotator

KVR member ToneCarver hat die Betaversion von Harmony Rotator, einem kostenlosen Midi Harmonisierungs-Plugin, veröffentlicht. “This is a MIDI only plugin – it does not create any sound. When it receives

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenloses vst: ToneCarver – Harmony Rotator

KVR member ToneCarver hat die Betaversion von Harmony Rotator, einem kostenlosen Midi Harmonisierungs-Plugin, veröffentlicht. “This is a MIDI only plugin – it does not create any sound. When it receives

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

free vst: ToneCarver – Harmony Rotator

KVR member ToneCarver released the beta of  Harmony Rotator, a free midi harmonisation plugin. “This is a MIDI only plugin – it does not create any sound. When it receives

5. July 2011 | free | Noizefield

free vst: ToneCarver – Harmony Rotator

KVR member ToneCarver released the beta of  Harmony Rotator, a free midi harmonisation plugin. “This is a MIDI only plugin – it does not create any sound. When it receives

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenloses reaktor ensamble: the colorspace – Reaktor Aurea

The Colorspace veröffentlicht Reaktor Aurea, ein kostenloses Synthesizer Ensamble für NI Reaktor. Features: 2 oscs parabol/lfo based synthesizer single instrument More info and download here: http://www.thecolorspace.net/software.html

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenloses reaktor ensamble: the colorspace – Reaktor Aurea

The Colorspace veröffentlicht Reaktor Aurea, ein kostenloses Synthesizer Ensamble für NI Reaktor. Features: 2 oscs parabol/lfo based synthesizer single instrument More info and download here: http://www.thecolorspace.net/software.html

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

free reaktor ensamble: the colorspace – Reaktor Aurea

The Colorspace released Reaktor Aurea, a free synthesizer ensamble for NI Reaktor. Features: 2 oscs parabol/lfo based synthesizer single instrument More info and download here: http://www.thecolorspace.net/software.html

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

free reaktor ensamble: the colorspace – Reaktor Aurea

The Colorspace released Reaktor Aurea, a free synthesizer ensamble for NI Reaktor. Features: 2 oscs parabol/lfo based synthesizer single instrument More info and download here: http://www.thecolorspace.net/software.html

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenlose Samples: HideawayStudio – Tube Electro-Baroque Pad (nki)

HideawayStudio hat the Tube Electro-Baroque Pad, ein kostenloses NI Kontakt Instrument veröffentlicht. “The following K4 multi was made using my discrete sampled tube synthesis techiques. A distorted triode based oscillator

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenlose Samples: HideawayStudio – Tube Electro-Baroque Pad (nki)

HideawayStudio hat the Tube Electro-Baroque Pad, ein kostenloses NI Kontakt Instrument veröffentlicht. “The following K4 multi was made using my discrete sampled tube synthesis techiques. A distorted triode based oscillator

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

free samples: HideawayStudio – Tube Electro-Baroque Pad (nki)

HideawayStudio has released the Tube Electro-Baroque Pad, a free NI Kontakt instrument. “The following K4 multi was made using my discrete sampled tube synthesis techiques. A distorted triode based oscillator

21. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

free samples: HideawayStudio – Tube Electro-Baroque Pad (nki)

HideawayStudio has released the Tube Electro-Baroque Pad, a free NI Kontakt instrument. “The following K4 multi was made using my discrete sampled tube synthesis techiques. A distorted triode based oscillator

17. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenloses ensamble: Poul Vestergaard – Neuron Drum (for NI Reaktor)

Poul Vestergaard hat Neuron Drum, ein kostenloses Ensamble für Native Instruments Reakor veröffentlicht. NeuronDrum will recieve midi note on at all 8 neuron, but thats only if it’s used as

17. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

kostenloses ensamble: Poul Vestergaard – Neuron Drum (for NI Reaktor)

Poul Vestergaard hat Neuron Drum, ein kostenloses Ensamble für Native Instruments Reakor veröffentlicht. NeuronDrum will recieve midi note on at all 8 neuron, but thats only if it’s used as

17. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

free ensamble: Poul Vestergaard – Neuron Drum (for NI Reaktor)

Poul Vestergaard released Neuron Drum, a free ensamble for Native Instruments Reakor. NeuronDrum will recieve midi note on at all 8 neuron, but thats only if it’s used as soundmodule.

17. June 2011 | free | Noizefield

free ensamble: Poul Vestergaard – Neuron Drum (for NI Reaktor)

Poul Vestergaard released Neuron Drum, a free ensamble for Native Instruments Reakor. NeuronDrum will recieve midi note on at all 8 neuron, but thats only if it’s used as soundmodule.