Featured image for “Befaco released Morphader for Eurorack”
25. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Befaco released Morphader for Eurorack

Befaco released Morphader, a performative tool designed to make multichannel CV/Audio crossfade easy and comfortable. Fading from one quad CV/audio scene to another. The core of the module has four

Featured image for “Befaco released Morphader for Eurorack”
25. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Befaco released Morphader for Eurorack

Befaco released Morphader, a performative tool designed to make multichannel CV/Audio crossfade easy and comfortable. Fading from one quad CV/audio scene to another. The core of the module has four

24. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Endorphin.es released Two Of Cups and Total Recall for Eurorack

24. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Endorphin.es released Two Of Cups and Total Recall for Eurorack

15. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Behringer released BRAINS (Eurorack Oscillator)

15. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Behringer released BRAINS (Eurorack Oscillator)

Featured image for “Shakmat Modular released Dual Dagger”
14. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Shakmat Modular released Dual Dagger

Shakmat Modular released Dual Dagger, a double-sided weapon, carefully sharpened to chop stereo signals. The module gives independent control over low-pass and high-pass cutoff frequencies, and an assignable resonance is

Featured image for “Shakmat Modular released Dual Dagger”
14. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Shakmat Modular released Dual Dagger

Shakmat Modular released Dual Dagger, a double-sided weapon, carefully sharpened to chop stereo signals. The module gives independent control over low-pass and high-pass cutoff frequencies, and an assignable resonance is

6. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

1V/Oct The Centre – Eurorack Modular Wavetable Synth at Kickstarter

6. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

1V/Oct The Centre – Eurorack Modular Wavetable Synth at Kickstarter

Featured image for “MRG Synthesizer released MRG RING”
6. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

MRG Synthesizer released MRG RING

MRG Synthesizer released MRG RING, a dual ring modulator for audio signals with CV cross-fader for Eurorack. The module is available both as a DIY kit and as a fully

Featured image for “MRG Synthesizer released MRG RING”
6. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

MRG Synthesizer released MRG RING

MRG Synthesizer released MRG RING, a dual ring modulator for audio signals with CV cross-fader for Eurorack. The module is available both as a DIY kit and as a fully

Featured image for “Xaoc Devices released Moskwa II and Ostankino II”
2. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Xaoc Devices released Moskwa II and Ostankino II

Xaoc Devices (It is pronounced chaos, because the X is the Cyrillic letter for K and the C corresponds to an S) released Moskwa II and Ostankino II, a new

Featured image for “Xaoc Devices released Moskwa II and Ostankino II”
2. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Xaoc Devices released Moskwa II and Ostankino II

Xaoc Devices (It is pronounced chaos, because the X is the Cyrillic letter for K and the C corresponds to an S) released Moskwa II and Ostankino II, a new

Featured image for “Synthfox announced SLEDGEHAMMER”
1. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Synthfox announced SLEDGEHAMMER

Synthfox announced SLEDGEHAMMER (on MODULARGrid), a vactrol gate core experimental dynamics and harmonics processor. This module serves many needs, such as mixdown, wavefolding, waveshaping, distortion, VCA, suboctave generation, and much

Featured image for “Synthfox announced SLEDGEHAMMER”
1. June 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Synthfox announced SLEDGEHAMMER

Synthfox announced SLEDGEHAMMER (on MODULARGrid), a vactrol gate core experimental dynamics and harmonics processor. This module serves many needs, such as mixdown, wavefolding, waveshaping, distortion, VCA, suboctave generation, and much

Featured image for “CaviSynth released Ambivalent”
26. May 2021 | modular | Noizefield

CaviSynth released Ambivalent

CaviSynth released Ambivalent, a double cross mixing module or in other words: a rotary dual crossfader. The module is also available as DIY Kit. You can use it to linearly

Featured image for “CaviSynth released Ambivalent”
26. May 2021 | modular | Noizefield

CaviSynth released Ambivalent

CaviSynth released Ambivalent, a double cross mixing module or in other words: a rotary dual crossfader. The module is also available as DIY Kit. You can use it to linearly

Featured image for “ALM Busy Circuits released Jumble Henge & AXON-1”
26. May 2021 | modular | Noizefield

ALM Busy Circuits released Jumble Henge & AXON-1

ALM Busy Circuits released Jumble Henge, a 16 input stereo spectral mixer with a unique patch-based mixing interface in a compact space and AXON-1, a CV Expander for Squid Salmple.

Featured image for “ALM Busy Circuits released Jumble Henge & AXON-1”
26. May 2021 | modular | Noizefield

ALM Busy Circuits released Jumble Henge & AXON-1

ALM Busy Circuits released Jumble Henge, a 16 input stereo spectral mixer with a unique patch-based mixing interface in a compact space and AXON-1, a CV Expander for Squid Salmple.

Featured image for “Lower West Side Studio released M710 Sequencer & M712 Sequencer Sidecar”
25. May 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Lower West Side Studio released M710 Sequencer & M712 Sequencer Sidecar

Lower West Side Studio released M710 Sequencer & M712 Sequencer Sidecar for the MU Format (Moog Unit). The M710 Sequencer provides an easy solution for adding an expandable 8 step

Featured image for “Lower West Side Studio released M710 Sequencer & M712 Sequencer Sidecar”
25. May 2021 | modular | Noizefield

Lower West Side Studio released M710 Sequencer & M712 Sequencer Sidecar

Lower West Side Studio released M710 Sequencer & M712 Sequencer Sidecar for the MU Format (Moog Unit). The M710 Sequencer provides an easy solution for adding an expandable 8 step