25. August 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

8Dio Agitato Grandiose Legato Violin Ensemble

Agitato Grandiose Legato is inspired by the soaring melodic styles of Williams and Mancini and designed as fast melodic leads for any string library of your choice.

Agitato Grandiose Legato consists of 7 different types of legato, starting with our new beautiful and smooth sustain x-fade. We also included more gentle legatos (ex. gentle and gentle detache), however if you are looking for a traditional soaring Hollywood inspired sound – we recommend our two Mancini Legatos, which brings forward that gorgeous, intense molto vibrato.

Agitato Grandiose Legato contains a completely new legato system, which is more flexible then ever. You have full control over dynamics and expression, including the ability to link the two. In addition we have a new highly adaptive legato speed system, which really allows the legato to adapt to your compositional style and preference.

More information at www.8dio.com

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