7. August 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

8Dio Ukulele Strummer

Welcome to 8DIO Natural Acoustic Series – a studio collection of high-end deep-sampled acoustic instruments.

This video demonstrates the 8DIO Ukulele Strummer, which contains over 4.734 samples spread across 13 different chord types and 13 common rhythm types. All the chords and rhythms can seamlessly be blended using our x-legato technology. The X-legato system allows you to combine any chord and rhythm at any given time giving you an infinite amount of combinations. In addition the Ukulele Strummer is a round-robin based strum library, so even if you trigger the same chord/rhythm multiple times – you will get natural subtle variation. The Ukulele Strummer also contains chords in perfect 5th – allowing you to shape virtually any chord by combining it with our Ukulele Solo library.
Ukulele Strummer contains all the classic chords (ex. Major, Minor, Maj7, Min7, Dim7, 7 ) used in traditional songwriting, but also contains more elaborate chords (ex. Maj7B5, 13, Aug, Sus2, Sus4, 11, 7-5). The rhythm section is equally deep from traditional type of strum rhythms to more genre specific ones (ex. country, fingered arped, muted chugs). In addition we also recorded muted strums of all rhythms, which gives additional options to design new types of rhythms. Ukulele Strummer also contains intelligent fret noises and velocity based end chords, which allows you to make a natural ending to a chord progression by playing hard on keyboard.
Ukulele Strummer also contains our new CHAOS FX 3.0 system, which contains a variety of additional FX controls, including macro controls, filter, EQ, bit-crusher, distortion, new stereo delay and two separate convolution reverbs, Transform and Reverb. Transform adds experimental convolutions to your arsenal and Reverb contains a collection of superior impulses in case you want more traditional reverb. Everything comes integrated – one click away from your mastery.

Please visit www.8dio.com for more information

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