17. August 2014 | music news tv | Noizefield

Audio Damage Sequencer 1 Testing…

This test shows Sequencer 1’s ability to drive Hz/V and S-Trig gear.

Sequencer 1 is being driven from the Silent Way Sync plug-in in Ableton Live via an Expert Sleepers ES-4. (The orange module you see to the left of the sequencer.)

Pitch is set to Hz/V, and Gate is set to Inv Gate (Yamaha monosynths use an inverse gate, not an S-Trig gate. Seq 1 will send all three flavors: normal, inverted, and S-Trig.) <br />
Pitch and Gate are patched directly to the Yamaha CS-5’s “Control Voltage” and “Trigger” inputs. The CS-5’s output is sent directly back to Ableton Live.

The drums are from Audio Damage Tattoo.

Once the sequencer is running for a moment, as you can see in the video, we start hitting the REP and RAT buttons on Seq1. The buttons are labeled REP 8, REP 4, REP 2, REP 1, and RAT 2 and RAT 4. They repeat the last 8, 4, 2, or 1 steps, or ratchet the current step 2 or 4 times. These can also be controlled via control voltage to Seq1’s “CV1” or “CV2” inputs, and RAT 1 and RAT2 can also be programmed per note.

Check these out!

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