29. November 2012 | music news tv | Noizefield

News: 8DIO – Polyphon

8Dio released Polyphon, a deep-sampled recording of an antique, Polyphon for NI Kontakt. The Instrument will cost: Introduction Price: $59 $39 (goes full price December 10th).

“8Dio’s Polyphon hails from Switzerland, and is very much a true antique. We found it at a recording label auction, and rumor has it that when Dutch electronic manufacturer Philips® went into the world of music, (yes, they bought a few labels shortly after the 2nd world war, and sold them again in 1999, while producing a large volume of blank recordable CD’s), they acquired Polyphons as a “sign”, to be placed in each of their offices around the world. Our instrument came with a huge collection of discs, and given the age, it is actually in a pretty mint condition. As such, the instrument works with no velocity, as each hammer is played with the same level of pressure when the plectra hits the notes, but the notes do sound different all the time, as there is something truely anarchistic about the way the machine works.”

More info here: http://8dio.com/?btp_product=polyphon

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