5. September 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield
news: Native Instruments – Maschine Mikro & iMaschine
Native Instruments anounced the release of Maschine Mikro, a smaller and more compact Maschine and iMaschine, an ipad app. There is also the new version 1.7 available at NI.
“The brand-new MASCHINE MIKRO gives you the same responsive pads and build quality, the same powerful software, and the same 6 GB sound library as MASCHINE, but comes in a smaller, more compact format at a truly unbeatable price. “
“iMASCHINE is a professional beat sketchpad app for your iPhone® or iPod touch® providing the same addictive workflow as MASCHINE: Play drums on the 16 pads, jam on the keyboard, and sing on top of your loops via the built-in audio recorder. “
Check these out!