14. April 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

Rekkerd.org music contest: “Moving”

I have taken part in the Rekkerd.org music contest and I´m proud to say that I won the third place :)
The contest theme was “Moving” and some really great tunes came out.

“Moving is about putting things in motion. Besides the obvious physical aspect, there can be quite an emotional side to moving as well. Seemed like a suitable theme for a music production contest.”

I was quite inspired by the theme and thought to combine some “mooving” elements with the “emotional” part described above. I combined electronic sounds and beats with some classic acustic elements like strings etc.

checkout my track:
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/12960578″]

and here are all tracks that have been taken part in the contest:
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/groups/21542″]

Check these out!

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