30. May 2023 | News | Noizefield
2B Played Music released DistoBud

2B Played Music released DistoBud, an extremely powerful Distortion | Waveshaper | Clipper | Bitcrusher plugin created by 2B Played Music. This is the plugin you need to: apply extremely advanced distortion to your guitar playing, give your lead synths that powerful effects they lack, lay the foundation for your harder dance kicks as needed for e.g. the hardstyle genre, or to give your breakbeat, bass parts and drums more life. It’s up to your creativity.
We built DistoBud from the ground up with advanced high quality filtering and distortion features as well as some unique options like our “SYM Boost” technology.
The signal flow starts with a low and a high pass filter that can be coupled with a peak filter. The choice consists of four different filter types. You can also use them separately or set the mixing ratio between them.
On the added display you will find which musical note/octave corresponds to the set frequencies. This may be necessary to keep the applied effect in tone. This function also works the other way around. So you can also click on the display to choose a musical note/octave from a list.
At the bottom of DistoBud you will find two ADSRs. This allows you to determine for yourself which part of the signal is affected by the applied distortion. You can set this independently for both the input signal and the output signal.
After choosing from three different types of distortion, you can apply distortion, adjust/increase the input gain and possibly apply EQ Shelving. There is a bitcrusher and waveshaper that you can apply to give the distorting effect extra character. You can also apply our “Sym Boost” technology to apply and amplify the distortion A-symmetrically if needed.
The output of the plugin is protected by a limiter that we call “Clip Control” in DistoBud. This prevents high volume peaks that can occur when applying extreme distortion. Of course you can adjust the output of the signal with the option “Output Gain” and apply a Low Pass Filter if desired.
Intro: €17,50
Regular: €35,00
More info here: 2B Played Music | DistoBud