1. March 2022 | Free Software | Noizefield
2Rule released 2RuleSynth

2Rule released 2RuleSynth, a software synthesizer that has any classic synthesis techniques – subtractive, FM or and Ring simulatenously. It has LFOs and ADSR for every two independent oscillators. It has its own characteristic soundscape that can go as far as concrete music. Besides the familiar classical analog sounds, experimental sounds can be found using the randomize button:
It is a beta version developed using Juce Framework. I have developed the plugin to gain experience and understand the juce framework. I don’t think they are any big bugs. Some basic things are missing. I will complete them over time
New Features (v2)
- Reaper program file update crash solved
- Fine tuning range -12 +12 semi note
- Left Mouse Right Mouse parameter changes on ADSRs and Filter windows
- Multiple Exclude feature by pressing left mouse on Labels for param randmization
- JSON Preset for future backward compatibity for presets (old saved preset will be missed)
More info and free download here: 2Rule | 2RuleSynth
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