13. January 2022 | Hardware | Noizefield
Analogue Solutions released Fusebox X

Analogue Solutions Fusebox X, a new updated version of their 3 VCO true analogue monosynth with the legendary Analogue Solutions vintage synth sound.
New Features:
- Tri-phonic mode (3 note poly).
- More Jacks! Some rocker switches replaces with jack socket for more patchability.
- The Interval Generator and Patternator pots replaced with precision type.
- 440Hz tuner tone.
- Interval Generator clock input – allows automatic transposition in a variety of ways.
- Bar1 / Note0 trigger outputs – versatile alternative ways to trigger the Patternator and Interval Generator.
- Arpeggiator replaced with mini step sequencer.
- Many internal performance tweaks.
GBP 1,350.00
More info here: Analogue Solutions | Fusebox X
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