20. February 2023 | News | Noizefield

Edmsoundware released Tal J-8 British Classic Trance Soundpack


Edmsoundware.com released Tal J-8 British Classic Trance Soundpack, a payware soundpack for the Tal J-8 synthesizer, and 3 DAWs.

Soundpack was built to give you 5 British Trance templates, which can be opened in 3 various DAWs. Each of Daw Project that is inside this soundpack, are presented in audio demo that you can prehear them easly. Separately you can buy soundset for Tal J-8, with 70 trance presets presented in audio demos. Products includes special ‘Free pack’: with free presets.

The DAW Project is 7$, the soundset is 5 $.

Daw Projects: Edmsoundware | Tal J-8 British Classic Trance Projects
Soundset: Edmsoundware | Tal J-8 British Classic Trance Soundpack

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