19. May 2020 | News | Noizefield
Eventide released MicroPitch

Eventide released MicroPitch a fine-resolution pitch shifter for subtle tone fattening, plus delays for dramatic slap back effects. MicroPitch is the latest incarnation of an iconic effect originated by Eventide in the 1970s. With each generation, Eventide has added refined, enhanced and built-on it’s legendary predecessors.
MicroPitch can take you beyond the run-of-mill stereo spread effects of simple micropitch plugins. It goes above and beyond by allowing you to mix in detuned and delayed versions of your source, creating depth and dimensions not possible before. With its expanded controls you can achieve deep pitch dives, haunting echoes, and pristine chorusing effects.
And, like all H9 series plug-ins, MicroPitch is designed to ‘play’. The RIBBON lets you sweep the effect between two completely different settings. Turn your sweetening shift into a delay-throw and back, or change your delays from dark to bright for transitional effects. Use the Ribbon to add a bit of ‘life’ while you’re mixing. For desktop users, plug in a MIDI keyboard and gain control of the Ribbon via the mod wheel for tactile control of this intuitive performance macro.
More info here: Eventide | MicroPitch