30. May 2024 | News | Noizefield

Instruo released dàil


The Instruo dàil is a high resolution quantiser, precision adder, MIDI-to-CV interface, and USB MIDI Host with a very small form factor suitable for any system. As a quantiser, scales can be defined locally as well as externally via MIDI. The USB Host port will accept and power class compliant devices offering convenience and immediacy to melodies and sequences.

As a precision adder, existing signals can be offset by any defined chromatic interval. Transpose anything with accuracy using the calibrated buffered throughput which runs parallel to the quantiser engine. This feature alone makes for a great companion to any sequencer or 1V/octave source within a system. No longer is a single repeating octave of quantised notes a limitation.

dàil features a fully bipolar quantiser engine through which any multi-octave spanning scale/chord/arpeggio can be engaged immediately from your MIDI keyboard. Patterns can also be programmed onboard with precision with the ability to auto fill from a wide range of major and minor starting points. Small form factor, big feature set!


– High resolution quantiser
– Precision adder
– MIDI-to-CV interface


More info here: Instruo Modular | dàil

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