16. July 2018 | Inspiration | Noizefield
Introducing ENDLESSS: Make music in the moment

Tim Exile send out an email with a very exciting project he is currenly working on.
Endlesss is beginning
It’s easy to say ‘exciting times’ but this is a biggy. Endlesss.fm is a new platform for music-making that I’m building with some talented friends. I founded Endlesss to rethink music creation around the realisation that it’s so much better when it’s about enjoyment not results. I learned this from my experiments as an improvising performer.
Over the last couple of years we’ve been asking big questions, listening and making things. We’re getting close to something really special and we’d like to give you an opportunity to join our limited first wave of users and help us shape what we’re building.
More info and early access here: ENDLESSS