18. December 2021 | News | Noizefield
Leafcutter John released Forester 2022

Leafcutter John released Forester 2022, a unique and inspiring modular sonic playground and successor to the original Forester released in 2006.
Played like an instrument and good at making work feel fun!
Brilliant for working with: Field recordings, Stems, Whole tracks, Live inputs of all kinds.
Forester is a living thing and will be updated regularly (at least every month for the first year 2022). There will be new Generators and Effects periodically which will extend Forester’s capabilities.
Currently in Forester:
- 42TF – Rhythm generator which makes a beat out of your input
- anni – Weaves a sonic fabric from 8 pitched samples. Inspired by Anni Albers
- chunker – Creates rhythmic chunks of the input sample
- classic – 2 pitched and looped sections of the input
- droner – 2 wandering pitched and looped sections of the input w/phasor
- elastique – A speed variable filtered grain of the input with drive. Inspired by Bernard Parmegiani’s Étude Élastique
- granular – 16 voice granular playback of input
- grit – A crude un-windowed mono grain inspired by Jon Wall
- incidenced – Creates rhythmic chunks of the input sample inspired by Bernard Parmegiani’s Incidences / Résonances
- phaseVoc – A frozen or slowly moving spectral moment
- play – Simple sample playback
- stereoIN – Stereo external live sound input
- ampEnv – Looping volume envelope applied to input
- ampEnvQ – Looping volume envelope locked to tempo applied to input
- fastShift – 2 channel delay based pitch shifter
- freqShift – 2 channel FFT based pitch shifter (4096 sample latency)
- frozenMo – Spectral hold
- grubbyDelay – A slightly fuzzy tape-like delay
- looper – Non-quantized looper
- reso – 12 resonators
- space – Artificial reverberation
- squish – An odd little volume increaser
- strata – three-band-multi-distorter
for the waged. Currently at a pre-version 1 discount £40
for the un-waged. Currently at a pre-version 1 discount £20
More info here: Leafcutter John | Forester 2022
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