13. May 2019 | Hardware | Noizefield
Make Noise announced Mimeophon & X-Pan at Superbooth

The X-PAN music synthesizer module is a compact and powerful 5 channel Voltage Controlled Stereo Mixer with Low Noise and High Headroom allowing for creation of complex panoramic audio imagery in just 10hp.
X-PAN is highly responsive to control signals allowing for exploration of the fluctuating stereo sidebands possible with Audio Rate Crossfading and Panning. X-PAN is Direct coupled for use as a CV Processing and Routing toolbox.
X-PAN consists of two full featured Channels and one simpler Channel. The top two Channels each have voltage controlled cross-fading and panning »
Mimeophon is a new stereo delay
More info here: Makenoise | X-Pan
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