14. April 2020 | Free Software | Carl
Martin Zuther releases free compressor Squeezer

Squeezer is a flexible general-purpose audio compressor with a touch of citrus.
Squeezer is different from all the compressors I know: its knobs are stepped to fine-tuned preset values, but can be changed to continuous values by clicking a small orange light located next to them. This allows you to find nice settings fast while not preventing optimisation of settings.
Squeezer adapts easily to many tastes and use cases:
– feed-forward & feed-back design
– linear, logarithmic & smooth release stage
– optical & FET detectors
– peak & RMS sensing
– hard, medium & soft knee
– flexible side-chain & parallel compression
Squeezer has given me a deep insight into compression. But above that, it has quickly become my go-to generic compressor.
Check these out!