3. January 2022 | News | Noizefield
New Audio Technology released Spatial Sound Card v3

New Audio Technology released Spatial Sound Card v3, a software-based, virtual sound card. Professional monitoring of audio content usually requires complex, high-quality speaker installations, for which both budget and space are needed. The Spatial Sound Card Pro enables monitoring of stereo and surround up to 7.1 using binaural loudspeaker virtualizations with regular headphones on the computer.
The Spatial Sound Card Pro is inserted into audio source software, operating system, and audio hardware. The more than 60 binaural room virtualizations originate from a constantly growing number of high-end studios and dub stages like the ARRI Stage One, MSM Munich, and others. The technology used in the SSC was used on major Blu-Ray releases (e.g. The Expendables I -III, Fifth Element, and Kraftwerk 3D).
To optimize the virtualization, the SSC provides parameters to customize the frequency curve of the used headphones. Presets for over 40 well-known headphone models* are included, more will follow constantly.
The Spatial Sound Card Pro works with all applications that support stereo and multichannel audio output. These include media players like VLC and FLAC-Player as well as video/audio workstations, games, and 360/VR applications. The SSC is recommended for media professionals from the audio, music, 360/VR, video, games, and multi-media domain as well as for agencies and companies with workstations that need high-quality audio monitoring.
The “Stereo” version is limited to a maximum of two (“stereo”) channels for monitoring.
With the “Standart” version you can handle up to 8 channels (“7.1″ Surround”).
Features in Version 3.0:
- Channel and master level meters
- Separate in- and output metering
- Gui scaling
- Loudspeaker opacity adjustment
- Individual Solo, Mute, and level adjustment per loudspeaker
- Solo and Mute indicators
- 60 virtual studios (HRTF sets)
- Continuously extension of the binaural HRTF library
- Individual HRTF tuning and preset save/load
- 40 headphone compensations + general eq presets
- Individual headphone eq tuning and preset save/recall
- Growing number of individually expert tuned headphones
- Multi-language
- Format selector 2.0, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1
- 7.1 channel routing with preset save/recall
- Mac OS 11 / Windows 11 support
- 3 input level boosts
- Output level management (limiter)
- Output device selection
- Instant SSC processing bypass
- Latency management and display
- Background processing
Standard: € 169,-
Stereo: € 69,00
More info here: New Audio Technology | Spatial Sound Card