27. September 2021 | News | Noizefield
Puremagnetik released Paradigm

Puremagnetik released Paradigm as latest release of their Lore series. Paradigm creates a world of texture, soft, glassy resonances and inter-folding synth-scapes. It is a generative piece of sound and art that can be used within your host application however you wish. Move elements to change timbre, color and density – or automate the spheres to generate an endless ambient soundscape.
Paradigm can be rendered to disk for use in your host application. It takes MIDI note input to change root notes and can be modulated among 16 different scales and modes.
Lore is a monthly series from Puremagnetik that brings sound and visual pieces to your production or listening room. Use them as regular synthesizers or let them evolve as they take on a life of their own.
Subscribe to Lore and get a new one each month. This month’s Lore is called Paradigm.
9$ USD / Month
89$ USD / Year
More info here: Puremagnetik | Paradigm