23. June 2021 | News | Noizefield
Red Rock Sound released uniQ

Red Rock Sound released uniQ.
Create a legend with your own hands. Combine the filters of the legendary EQs as you want, build analog saturation, get the original unique sound using uniQ.
30 filters of legendary equalizers;
5 filter modules with independent Stereo/Mid/Side modes;
21 additional filters;
5 types of saturation with the possibility of mixing;
3 types of graphical interface with scalability.
- AQ560 — All Bands (Peak);
- AQ550 — LF (Shelf), LF (Peak), MF (Peak), HF (Shelf), HF (Peak);
- AQ550b — LF (Shelf), LF (Peak), LMF (Peak), HMF (Peak), HF (Shelf), HF (Peak);
- BQ-A — LF (Shelf), LMF (Peak), HMF (Peak), HF (Shelf);
- BQ-73 — LF (Shelf), MF (Peak), HF (Shelf);
- BQ-80B — LF (Shelf), LMF (Peak), HMF (Peak), HF (Shelf);
- AQP-1A — LF (Boost, Atten), HF (Boost, Atten);
- AQ3D — All Bands (Shelf, Peak), Air (Shelf).
- AQ550 BPF;
- BQ-A HPF (25, 50, 100 Hz), LPF (9, 12, 15 kHz);
- BQ-73 HPF (50, 80, 160, 300 Hz);
- BQ-80b HPF 50Hz;
- Analog Emulation Filters HPF (10, 23, 25 Hz), LPF;
Saturator panel has 5 saturation types and two mixed modes («Blocks» and «Blocks + Analog Noise»). Mixed modes «Blocks» and «Blocks + Analog Noise» allow you to mix different saturation types in 5 blocks, thus getting unique saturation in output.
More info here: Red Rock Sound | uniQ
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