4. February 2022 | News | Noizefield
Sinevibes released Hollow

Sinevibes released Hollow, a vast space reverb effect plugin. At its core is a massive delay network comprised of 24 delay lines, 32 filters, and a feedback matrix with as many as 256 connections. With all settings maxed out, this engine is capable of producing tail times that exceed 15 minutes, while still having a very natural exponential decay. Hollow includes a variable diffusion stage and a unique bi-directional pre-delay: in addition to normal operation, it can also make the reverb tail precede the dry input signal, opening interesting new creative possibilities. Additionally, the plugin has trademark unison modulation via four phase-shifted sine oscillators – for adding deep, chorus-like vibrance and richness. The complex yet highly musical algorithms in Hollow also feature finely-tuned low-pass or high-pass damping filters, and employ a very special formula for adjusting the reverb engine’s stereo width – giving it a truly vast, almost three-dimensional sound.
Main Features
- Reverb engine based on a feedback delay network with a 16×16 matrix
- Unique two-way pre-delay stage
- Variable diffusion stage
- Stereo width adjustable from mono to full expansive stereo
- Unison-style modulation via four mutually phase-shifted oscillators
- Variable low-pass or high-pass damping filters
- Lag filters on all continuous parameters for smooth, click-free adjustment
- Supports mono › mono, mono › stereo, and stereo › stereo channel configurations
$39 + VAT or sales tax
More info here: Sinevibes | Hollow