3. October 2019 | News | Noizefield
sonicLAB released EnVBot

sonicLAB released EnVBot, an advanced envelope generator in form of a VST/AU plugin.
The ADSR….The essential modulation source of a of a sound generating system to envelope a certain sonic behavior. Ready to trigger, simple, but also very in outline.
sonicLAB rethinks the ADSR and now releases the EnVBot, an advanced envelope generator in form of a VST/AU plugin.
It comes also embedded with the distributed audio structure of sonicLAB, first introduced on the VOLBot.
- You can augment the standard ADSR and construct its Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release parts with unique GEN modulation sources which deliver rich possibilities. Generate never heard before envelopes in seconds…
- You can distribute the EnVBot clients on multiple DAW tracks with their own behavior but controlled from the main track of the EnVBot server. With one gesture you can command a fleet of EnvBot’s modulating each track.
- You can also take each EnVBot output from each track and assign it to your external gear, delivering huge potential to envelope your modular gear.
- Multi channel audio inputs will be treated as unique instances and modulated likewise. Mono, Stereo and Quad inputs are accepted.
EnVBot is an audio plugin, a super ADSR envelope which modulates the intensity/amplitude of its input, but also can be assigned to external gear as a signal.
EnVBot offers a rich time domain modulation scheme which operates on each Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release sections independently. It offers many continuous and discrete types of probability distributions and standard waveforms to construct a unique waveform.
With the distributed audio plugin architecture of sonicLAB, you will be able to trigger an entire fleet of DAW tracks together in real time with your parameter controls on the EnVBot server communicating with EnvBot clients on other tracks.
This shared control data serving as a modulator among all the existing EnVBot’s opens a wide range of creative possibilities for your production.
Price: Intro EUR 49.00 € / Regular EUR 59.00 €
More info here: sonicLAB | EnVBot