7. April 2018 | Free Sounds | Carl
Space Divers Mini – New free sample collection by 99Sounds

99Sounds proudly presents Space Divers Mini, the freely downloadable add-on to Lukas Tvrdon’s brand new Space Divers sound library. Space Divers Mini contains 49 original sound effects which aren’t available in the main release.
The library is inspired by space and underwater exploration, sci-fi movies, and Lukas’ own work on audio effects for video games. You can use these sound effects in movies and other video projects, but they will also work great for music producers who want to add a taste of sci-fi to their projects. For more info about the release and in contents, check out our interview with Lukas.
It contains:
– 49 sound effects
– 24-bit WAV format
– 96 kHz Stereo
– 445 MB download size
– 817 MB size on disk
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