16. January 2020 | News | Noizefield
Waves released OVox
Waves released OVox, a vocal ReSynthesis plugin. Transform your vocal productions with the next-generation voice-controlled synth and vocal effects processor. Create a limitless palette of vocal morphing, tuning, harmonizing, vocoder & talkbox effects and beyond, with depth, clarity, and intuitive control. Available as a plugin or standalone app.
Limitless Vocal Palette
Producers, mixers, songwriters: Say goodbye to boring vocals. OVox gives you an unprecedented menu of vocal synthesis and reshaping options, from the Daft Punk-style vocoder sounds you know and love, to inventive vocal effects as endless as your creativity.
The Magic Under the Hood: Organic ReSynthesis®
OVox is powered by Waves Organic ReSynthesis® (ORS) technology to deliver its unmatched vocal synthesis sound quality.
ORS takes the original vocal signal and breaks it down to its core ‘DNA’ elements—amplitude, pitch, and formant. It then re-synthesizes these elements to create the new vocal sound, which is free of unwanted artifacts and preserves the expressiveness of the original vocal.
Intuitive Control
OVox is instant: no routing required. Simply insert it as a plugin or fire it up as a standalone app – sing, hum, speak or beatbox into it, and hear the magic happen.
MIDI control is optional. You can use OVox with a keyboard or MIDI controller, or with any instrument (for example a guitar) as the ‘carrier.’ Or you can simply use your voice (or a recorded vocal track) to trigger automatic chords, harmonies or scales, using OVox’s automatic Note Mapper.
Pick from Hundreds of Presets – or Dive Deep
Start with hundreds of satisfying presets, then tweak them using the most crucial controls displayed in OVox’s Main View.
Want to dive deeper? Open up OVox’s Expanded View, which unlocks a world of vocal morphing possibilities, including detailed Formant Filter control; nine LFO, ADSR and ORS modulators that can modulate any other control in the plugin; on-board FX; and much more.
The Ultimate Instrument Is You
The human voice is the original instrument—the richest in expression and the fullest in color. OVox turns your vocal—any vocal—into an even more limitless musical playground for you to express your creativity.